Lab Facilities

Major Testing Machines

Instron 4204 Universal Testing Machine

Model 401 Tension Proof Tester

MTS 810 Material Testing System

    • Internal Bond (IB) Test
    • Screw/Nail Withdrawal Test
    • Etc.
    • Tension Test
    • Bending Test
    • Connection Test
    • Compression Test
    • Etc.

Bending Testing System

Frame Beam

MTS Sintech 30/D

To be updated
    • Bending Test
    • Floor Test
    • Wall Test
    • Glulam Bending Test
    • Etc.
    • To be updated

Scope of Accerditation


AITC T107 Shear test
AITC T116 Modulus of elasticity for e-rated lumber by static loading
AITC T119 Full size end joint tension test
AITC T123 Sampling – testing and data analysis to determine tensile properties of lumber
ANSI/APA PRG 320-2012 Standard for performance rated cross-laminated timber
ANSI/ATIC A190.1 Standard for wood products – structural glued laminated timber (except referenced test methods AITC T102, T103, T104, T122)
APA PRP-108 Performance standards and policies for structural-use panels (test methods D-4, D-7, P-1, P-2, P-3, P-6, P-7, P-8, S-5, S-6, S-13 and S-14)
AS/NZS 4063.1 Australia/New Zealand Standard Test Methods for characterization of timber
AS/NZS 4063.2 Australia/New Zealand Standard for characteristic determination values of timber
ASTM A370 Standard test methods and definitions for mechanical testing of steel products (except sections 16-29)
ASTM D143 Standard test methods for small clear specimens of timber (except sections 10 and 11)
ASTM D198 Standard test methods of static tests of lumber in structural sizes (except torsion)
ASTM D1037 Standard test methods for evaluating properties of wood-base fiber and particle panel materials (except sections 7, 21 and 28)
ASTM D1151 Standard Practice for Effect of Moisture and Temperature on Adhesive Bonds
ASTM D1183 Standard Practices for Resistance of Adhesives to Cyclic Laboratory Aging Conditions
ASTM D1185 Standard test methods for pallets and related structures employed in materials handling and shipping (except sections 9.4 and 9.5)
ASTM D1761 Standard test methods for mechanical fasteners in wood
ASTM D2395 Standard test methods for density and specific gravity (relative density) of wood and wood-based materials (except test methods C, D, E and F)
ASTM D2555 Standard practice for establishing clear wood strength values
ASTM D2559 Standard Specification for Adhesives for Bonded Structural Wood Products for Use Under Exterior Exposure Conditions
ASTM D3043 Standard test methods for structural panels in flexure (except method C)
ASTM D3044 Standard test method for shear modulus of wood-based structural panels
ASTM D3500 Standard test methods for structural panels in tension
ASTM D3501 Standard test methods for wood-based structural panels in compression (except test method A)
ASTM D3535 Standard Test Method for Resistance to Creep Under Static Loading for Structural Wood Laminating Adhesives Used Under Exterior Exposure Conditions
ASTM D3737 Standard practice for establishing allowable properties for structural glued laminated timber (glulam)
ASTM D4442 Standard test methods for direct moisture content measurement of wood and wood-based materials (except test method C)
ASTM D4761 Standard test methods for mechanical properties of lumber and wood-base structural material
ASTM D4933 Standard guide for moisture conditioning of wood and wood-based materials
ASTM D5055 Standard specification for establishing and monitoring structural capacities of prefabricated wood i-joists
ASTM D5456 Standard specification for evaluation of structural composite lumber products
ASTM D5572 Standard Specification for Adhesives Used for Finger Joints in Nonstructural Lumber Products
ASTM D5652 Standard Test Methods for Single-Bolt Connections in Wood and Wood-Based Products
ASTM D5664 Standard Test Method for Evaluating the Effects of Fire-Retardant Treatments and Elevated Temperatures on Strength Properties of Fire-Retardant Treated Lumber
ASTM D5751 Standard Specification for Adhesives Used for Laminate Joints in Nonstructural Lumber Products
ASTM D5764 Standard test method for evaluating dowel-bearing strength of wood and wood-based products
ASTM D6815 Standard specification for evaluation of duration of load and creep effects of wood and wood-based products
ASTM D7147 Standard specification for testing and establishing allowable loads of joist hangers
ASTM E72 Standard test methods of conducting strength tests of panels for building construction
ASTM E564 Standard practice for static load test for shear resistance of framed walls for buildings
ASTM E2126 Standard test methods for cyclic (reversed) load test for shear resistance of vertical elements of the lateral force resisting systems for buildings
CSA O112.09 Evaluation of adhesives for structural wood products (exterior exposure) (expect sections and 5.7)
CSA O112.10 Evaluation of adhesives for structural wood products (limited moisture exposure)
ICC ES AC14 Prefabricated wood i-joists (test methods referenced in section 4.2)
ICC ES AC47 Structural wood-based products (test methods referenced in section 3.0)
ICC ES AC124 Rim board products (test methods referenced in sections 3.0 and 4.0)
ICC ES AC191 Metal plaster bases (lath) (test methods referenced in sections 3.0 and 4.0)
ICC-ES AC202 Wood-Based Studs (test methods referenced in section 3.9, excluding section 3.6)
ICC ES AC233 Alternate dowel-type threaded fasteners (test methods referenced in section 4.0)
JAS 233 Japanese Agricultural Standard for Plywood Test
JAS 1152 Japanese Agricultural Standard for Glulam Test
MAFF Notification No.238 (test methods 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8) (February 27, 2003)
MAFF Notification No.360 (March 27, 1987)
MAFF Notification No. 360 (only for test method 8)